Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why pick on the little guy?

Picking on the little guy.....

Your a level 45... you go to the fight menu and you are aghast to see all that is in front of you are level 5 or level 15 folks. Maybe a level 20 or two. What do you do... go for a drink until the list of fight candidates is worthy of  your vengeance? Maybe you are philosophically opposed to beating up on the smaller guy - but this is WAR people. In war we destroy and break things. We don't mealy mouth around, and act like little wimpy hippie types putting roses in gun barrels. We maim, destroy, nuke and wipe out the enemy in war!! :) Better online than in real life.

As a strategy, if you are around a 30 level or so, let me suggest that when lower level people are showing up in your fight list, that this is a good time to do three things:

1. Go fight the faction war battles that are available to you first.
2. Return to the list. Go through all the pages of the list and find the person with the highest bounty and that is not protected. If any of the options is novice or even beginner. The trick here is to find a battle you KNOW you can win. If you loose any of these wars then it's to your detriment - but the benefits of wining outweigh an occasional loss.
3. Battle and WIN. Invade!

So, what's the risk to reward analysis?

Since you are taking the novice or beginner you minimize your risk as long as you have sufficiently strong forces. A 20 with units befitting a 20 will pretty much be able to beat a 5 with units befitting a 5.

You should not attack someone stronger than you. If you are a level 5 and you attack a level 20 beginner your probably going to struggle to win. but if your a 32 and attack a level 10 and have sufficient units then you should win.

Sometimes the low level players will surprise you. I've had a few battles with a certain level 2-3 player where is clearly bought some real upscale units with stars. Even at my 40+ level, I was challenged to beat him (I did thanks to well placed nukes). This is probably the biggest risk you face.

The obvious reward is the bounty and related income from the invasion. The bounties alone can make this worth the effort. One time I found that some 8-10 people on a list of < 20's had 1,000,000 coin bounties on them. That made the effort worth it alone.

Perhaps the less obvious reward, but perhaps more important is that now you are gaining hearts. This new feature (awarding of hearts when you win a battle) was a wonderful addition of the latest release of the game. Hearts are important for obvious reasons. They help you buy and upgrade some great units!!

One last reward depends on the current events that are running. Often times there are events that want you to win a lot of land battles, or air battles, or do a lot of invasions. When you are a higher level player, these lower level players are a great way to increase your chances of success with these events.

Hope you enjoyed this tip. Enjoy the game and go fight your war battles!!!

General Robert

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