To Do:
If you want to be a long term success at the game, then you will need to prioritize certain things. Many of us want to get our there and fight, because it's fun. But, in the begining especially, you are vunderable when fighting and fighting has a high cost to it. Also, loosing is frustrating and if you are feeling like all you do is loose, then you will get frustrated with the game and you might decide to leave.
So, what should you prioritize? In the begining and up to level 20 or so - or if you have not already done this and you are beyond level 20, I'd prioritize the following:
1. Income generating buildings - At the end of the day, coin is KING. You need to be generating as much coin as you can. You also need to make sure that the income generating buildings are generating as much income as they can. This leads us to:
2. Boosters - Boosters will increase the amount of income generated by a building. They also increase oil production, storage and decrease build time for units. At the begining of the game, concentrate on income buildings and placing boosters on those income buildings.
Boosters come with different streingths. So, clearly you will want to use the best boosters you can. They have a cost, of course, but the additional production of the building over time will more than offset the booster cost. Also, check your stash as there are often boosters in there.
So, a typical booster/incombe building would look something like this:
Where b is the boosterrs and I is the income building. The difference in an income building without boosters and one with can be on the order of anywhere from 10% to up to several hundred percent. I use a lot of the warplane boosters but they are costly at 250,000 coin. The trees and other 1% boosters are less expensive and can be replaced later as you build more coin.
Building Income
If you want to see an epic build out of a base you can look here:
I've not watched the whole thing but it looks interesting.
3. As your building income, income buildings and boosters, you will be adding experience points. This is important
as the more experience points you have, the more buildings and units that become available. Thus, the more coin
that becomes available.
Best coin buildings? (I'm leaving out the buildings to buy for stars)
The mess hall isn't bad, and in fact over time is one of the better collections early on.
But, you will need to collect from it every minute to get the real use out of it. That's a bit of a pain.
The millitary cottage gives you a bit less overall income over the same amount of time as the mess hall, but you only
need to collect from it every 5 minutes. Still, that's a lot of coin lost if you are not playing for a while.
The warehouse seems a good early on choice. I'd build several of these as the price is right and the income rate
is also pretty fair. It's income rate is also better than the modern house.
In the begining put your income buildings far enough apart that no one can easily steal from more than one at a time.
This will protecting you from being invaded and having your coin stolen. You can also buy protection for a certain
amount of stars, but at the lower levels I don't think you will need it. You will be protected after a raid on you
base for a while anyway.
Not to do - lots of battles
Fighting battles at the start is a great way to loose coin, and fast. I understand you want to fight battles, and you
are a member of the Black Sheep faction, so you need to fight there. Still, limit your battles initially.
Let your coin build first, build a few units and battle cautiously. I'd only take on the lowest level
enemies at first.
When you do battle, invasaion at the lower levels is critical. When you choose someone to fight make
sure they are not protected (the little shield below their name means they are protected). Invade with any and
every fight you win, without exception (until it comes to when you are capible of underwater
operations then the rules change). Invade invade invade unless you have a strong feeling the enemy
has nothing worth taking. It's a great way to build coin. Carefully look at their base. Once in a while,
you will find a treasure chest of millions of coins. That is a great payday!
You might be tempted to build a fusion building and start fusing your troops. I'd build only one and I'd use it
sparingly. The truth is the surface fusions are not that great. Wait until you can move underwater and
build an underwater fusion building. Then you can really do some fusing.
If you want to spend stars, you can get some good fusion from the surface building but I would not
waste your money.
So, in summary.... build income buildings with boosters. Build coin. If your going to fight, do
so in a selective way. Invade when you do fight and collect the most coins you can.
More later...
The General
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