Sunday, June 8, 2014

Battle hints....

Hello troops,

General Freeman here. Let's do some battle training!

Going to battle is a fundamental part of our game, of course.

Here are some hints to help you with some basic battle skills:

1. If your unit turns blue tap it .... This means that for a moment it has extra power.....
2. I've not confirmed this one, and if anyone can please post a note here if they know for sure ... If your enemy unit turns red then tap on it.... I believe this will cause that unit more damage.
3. Even though its not required to fight a battle, I often tap my side and then the enemy side over and over, lightly of course. Why? First it makes catching the mines, missiles and other stuff easier and quicker. It's easier and quicker to touch blue and red units..... Also, it makes me feel more active in the battle and in my experience it *does* make a difference.
4. Battle with as *few* units as needed for victory. This takes some practice because if you are in a battle with an opponent with 200 defense you don't know what his offensive score is.... It might be higher. Also, even with the scores there seems to be randomness in success to a degree.

At first, I'd start playing with your units power at around 1.5 to 2 times the power of your opponent. Thus if they have 200, you want around 300 to 400 worth of units up there.

In this case, 2x100 power units is much better and efficient resource usage than a mass deployment of your top forces (say 2x100 and 4x25) that auto deploy will give you.

In many cases using auto deploy just serves to waste units.

Why? Even when you win a unit looses life points. When you loose, it looses even more life points. Survive a battle, the unit always looses 10 points. If the unit dies, win or loose, the it looses 20 life points.

So, in a battle where you only needed 150 points, if you do a mass deploy and get units of 2x100 and 4x25 for a total of 300 points , you are oversubscribed (over-allocated). Say each unit starts with 100 life. If in the battle You loose 125 points - you will loose 5 units total. Probably all the 25 point units and one of the 100 point units. That's a total life loss of 10 for the surviving unit and 100 for the units that were lost in the battle. Not,  when the battle started you had six units with a total life score of 600. Post battle your total life score was 490. 90 for the surviving unit and 80 for the remaining 5 units. That's a life loss of almost 20 percent total.

If you had must battled with the 2x100 units then your loss would have likely been one of the two units. Your life loss would be 10 for the surviving unit and 20 for the lost unit. You would have started with 200 total life and ended up with 170 total life. That's a 15 percent loss, however if you compare this to the previous configuration its only a FIVE percent loss of total available life.

Thus, right sizing your attacks will make your units last not only longer but much longer. 20 percent average life loss versus the lower five percent life loss it huge, and makes a difference in coin and in victory. It takes a bit longer to deploy manually but most of the time its worth it. at 20 percent loss your units will last, on average 5 battles. At 5 percent loss your units will last roughly 20 battles (assuming 100 point units). Since units cost coin, that's huge.

There are a couple of times when i will do a mass deploy. First, if i know i will need all of my highest value units because the enemy has really high points. Second, if i need two or three of my highest units ill mass deploy and then remove units from the battleground until i get the configuration i want.

Ill have. More tips and tricks for you later.....

Enjoy the game, fight like hell for your faction and BOOOYAH! ,

General Freeman

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